Testing the most critical equipment on the Hex Box
We have recently moved the Hex Box model made by Aqua Knowledge into our offices in Forus for our engineers to test their design in action. The net solution is one of the features that are being further enhanced. The net is the most critical equipment on a fish farm. It is the only barrier that prevents fish escapes, which can disturb the surrounding wild fish stocks and cause large capital loss.
Ocean Aquafarms has spent a lot of time detailed engineering Hex Box’s net to make sure it is proof, both before and during harvesting. Among the features is a double net system that protects against floating objects, boat accidents and predators, hence reducing the risk of fish escape. The net also gently and automated harvest the fish with limited stress and in smaller quantities to fit the wellboat. You can read more about our safety and sustainability measures here.
Oh, and see this lego man? Imagine he was a real person, about 2 meters tall. That is the aspect ratio of this model and the actual Hex Box.